Academic & Tutoring Services
Youth and Adults
High School Course Tutoring
College Application Prep & Coaching
Executive Functioning/ADHD Coaching
Graduate School Application Prep
About me
Welcome to my site! My name is Frankie Grace Ghinger and I am a former MD/PhD turned Neuroscience PhD student at Emory University School of Medicine. My academic journey started in high school where I was a consistent C student. I had no interest in college and felt that academics were largely a waste of time. I had one or two classes I excelled in because I was interested in the subject matter. However, aside from those, I barely showed up to school at all.
Post high school, I was fortunate enough to attend an alternative school, Warren Wilson College, in Asheville, NC. It was here that my interest in the sciences and learning was first realized. I had access to learning specialists, remedial/pre-college version of courses, and tutors. I was able to break down my learning challenges and address them head on. I started to excel and transferred to the University of Maryland, Baltimore County.
At UMBC, I continued working to figure out my own learning needs and optimizing my academic approach. I had help from various advisors, executive functioning coaches, and mentors. I was able to “hack” my own brain and achieve beyond what I thought possible. By graduation, I was a Meyerhoff Scholar, HHMI Research Assistant, Phi Delta Epsilon: Medical Fraternity member, Phi Beta Kappa initiate, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. soror, and more. In 2020, I graduated with honors with degrees in Biology and Psychology.
Throughout this time, I was also teaching, mentoring, and tutoring my peers. I worked on campus as a writing tutor, peer mentor, and biology course instructor— just to name a few. I have over 6 years of tutoring and test prep experience. Although I am not licensed, I do have several years of experience assisting with learning plans, routine management, and study skills for students struggling with ADHD and other executive functioning difficulties. I am also a Certified Brain Trainer through LearningRx.
I am passionate about learning and helping others realize their full potential. No one should have to do this alone— I didn’t and now you don’t have to either!
Available in person in Atlanta, GA or virtually for those in other areas.
Feel free to reach out at
Personal experience, patience, and understanding is the foundation of my academic coaching style. My holistic approach builds student confidence and skill set so they can succeed beyond our sessions.
My Method
It all starts with a conversation and assisted self-reflection between myself and the learner (and learner’s family): What are your needs as a learner? Academic goals? Learning/life challenges? What have you tried in the past? Let’s figure out these answers together.
Next, we will create an individualized and holistic learning plan/approach using proven methods and learning psychology to help you achieve your goals. As a learning coach, I act as an advocate for the learner to ensure a goal-oriented and realistic learning plan can be applied to all aspects of life.
The last step? We continually refine what works for you and what does not. We loop in as many people as necessary so you get what you need when you need it. Think of this as your new beginning.
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